Matt Sellars, Kraft Duntz at Henry Art Gallery
May 11, 2017
Fun. No Fun. Kraft Duntz featuring Dawn Cerny
Lower Level Galleries
March 04, 2017 — September 10, 2017
Fun. No Fun., Installation at The Henry Art Gallery, March 2017
The title Fun. No Fun. refers not only to the range of positive and negative emotions that are linked to the genesis and execution of any given project, including the many discussions to arrive at a final form, but also to the harder aspects of exhibition making, including navigating institutional limitations and physical and material constraints.
Fun. No Fun. is an installation composed of built forms and voids that together appear to offer options but no apparent resolution—much like the world we live in, where the opportunity for action appears endless but is often thwarted by closed systems and networks. Through its very form, Fun. No Fun. reflects the inherent contradiction that exists between exhilaration, expectation, and disappointment in the experience of art and life. It suggests that navigating this persistent conundrum is at the discretion of every individual, regardless of larger processes that explicate and validate contemporary art and the world we live in.